The Committee was established to unite environmentalists to form a quality dialogue with public authorities, exchange information and protect the interests of transparent business. The Committee brings together companies that provide environmental consulting services, whose members are professional environmental advisors and share a common vision of transforming the industry into an investment-attractive sector of Ukraine’s economy.
Ecology committee
Chairman of the Committee:

Experts provide support to Association members at the following stages of the project:
- preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for business entities;
- business entities to carry out planned activities;
- development of environmental impact assessment materials (EIA) as part of the project documentation for construction as part of project documentation for the construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of facilities;
- conducting an inventory of stationary sources of pollutant emissions emissions into the atmosphere for obtaining an emission permit and Preparation of documents justifying emission volumes of of pollutants into the atmosphere for enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens – business entities;
- development of projects for the establishment (reduction) of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ);
- Preparation of an inventory of enterprise waste, development of register maps of waste generation, treatment and utilization facilities, passports of and passports of waste disposal sites;
- development of technological production regulations, instructions, and action plans for environmental protection and sustainable environmental management;
- preparation of a strategic environmental assessment report (SEA report);
- preliminary assessment of the draft state planning document (SPD).